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Celtudalps crew
Session on Iron Age at the EAA Annual Meeting 2023
Celtudalps Crew
Session on Iron Age at the EAA Annual Meeting 2023
Marco Milella, Albert Zink, Zita Laffranchi, Stefania Zingale (CELTUDALPS project) and Ian Armit (COMMIOS project) will coordinate a session on “Iron Age Biocultural Dynamics in Continental Europe and Britain: Patterns and Processes from a Multidisciplinary Perspective“…
EAA2023 Home
The 28th Annual meeting, our first fully hybrid conference is still running. Yet, while everything is still on the move in Budapest, your staff, your Executive Board and the organisers of the upcoming 29th Annual meeting have been busy preparing the next feast of European archaeology: in Belfast, be…
New contribution discussing the scientific value and the ethical issues related to the Documented Human Osteological Collections of the University of Bologna and the proposal of new directions in this type of scientific studies.
Celtudalps crew
New contribution discussing the scientific value and the ethical issues related to the Documented Human Osteological Collections of the University of Bologna and the proposal of new directions in this type of scientific studies.
Scientific and Ethical Aspects of Identified Skeletal Series: The Case of the Documented Human Osteological Collections of the University of Bologna (Northern Italy)
Osteological collections are an essential source of information on human biological and cultural variability, providing insights about developmental, evolutionary, and biocultural processes. Among osteological series, documented human osteological collections (DHOC) are especially useful due to the…
New insights about the social meaning of the use of pigments funerary practices in the Neolithic community of Çatalhöyük (Turkey).
Celtudalps crew
New insights about the social meaning of the use of pigments funerary practices in the Neolithic community of Çatalhöyük (Turkey).
New isotopic results confirm the socioeconomic variability of steppe populations and provide new data about the economic importance of millet in Southern Siberia during the early centuries CE.
Celtudalps crew
New isotopic results confirm the socioeconomic variability of steppe populations and provide new data about the economic importance of millet in Southern Siberia during the early centuries CE.
Dining in Tuva: Social correlates of diet and mobility in Southern Siberia during the 2nd–4th centuries CE
Contemporary archeological theory emphasizes the economic and social complexity of Eurasian steppe populations. As a result, old notions of “nomadic” cultures as homogenously mobile and e…
Contemporary archeological theory emphasizes the economic and social complexity of Eurasian steppe populations. As a result, old notions of “nomadic” cultures as homogenously mobile and e…