Alice Paladin
Scientific Collaborator

Dr. Alice Paladin is a bioarcheologist and her research focuses on the anthropological, paleopathological, paleoradiological and stable isotope analyses of skeletal and mummified human remains, dated to various historical periods and of different origins. Since 2017, she is the contact person of the Anthropology laboratory of the Institute for mummy studies of Eurac Research in Bolzano.

Her research centers on living and health conditions, diet, mobility of past populations and on mummification techniques, providing contributions to archaeology and to biological heritages conservation.

Her role in CELTUDALPS includes the sampling of the human remains for the genetic analysis, and to contribute to the interpretation of the bioarchaeological results.

She collaborates in interdisciplinary research projects investigating prehistoric and early medieval human remains found in the Eastern Italian Alps (Trentino-South Tyrol). She is moreover collaborating with different museums (e.g., Egyptian Museum of Torino, Civic Archeological Museum of Bologna) for the diagnostic studies of Egyptian mummies.